Margarita Cruz-amaro

Wellness Tips

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Beat the Winter Blahs With Six Cold-Weather Workout Tips



The trees are bare and a dusting of white snow covers the ground. Winter’s here. Time to stay indoors in mock hibernation and gorge on pumpkin pie and holiday fudge, right? Wrong! Maintaining your exercise routine can be trickier when the temperature drops, but it’s not impossible. In fact, it’s even more important to stay in shape to offset holiday feasts, combat winter blues, and keep your heart healthy all year long. While walking on the same treadmill day after day will get the job done, anyone will tire of that boring routine in a matter of weeks. Take note of these six exciting ways to keep your heart strong and your outlook sunny all winter long.

1. hit the slopes—or the rink

Winter sports—like hockey, downhill skiing, and snowboarding—are a great way to get a lot of exercise while having a blast. Not sure if you’re ready to embarrass yourself in front of better athletes? Try cross-country skiing or snowshoeing along your favorite nature trail or even in your neighborhood. You don’t have to invest in a lot of gear either. Most sporting goods stores rent winter sports gear for just a few dollars.

2. Join a sports organization

Join a local indoor sports league like bowling, basketball, or volleyball. Get your friends and family involved for extra support and extra fun.

3. Bundle up and go outside

If the winters are mild in your area, keep up your normal exercise routine—just add another sweater to your wardrobe and get moving. Jogging, bicycling, and walking can be even more refreshing in the winter, plus your emotional health can really benefit from that extra dose of sunshine in the dark winter months. Just remember to be safe. Add a stripe of reflective tape to your clothes if you’ll be out at dusk or dawn, stay hydrated, and wear sunscreen.

4. Play With your Children

Kids don’t let the chilly temperatures keep them from the joys of winter. Bundle up and follow their lead. Help them build a snowman or a snow fort, take them ice skating and sledding, or even start a snowball fight. You’ll have so much fun, you won’t realize how many calories you’re burning.Kids don’t let the chilly temperatures keep them from the joys of winter. Bundle up and follow their lead. Help them build a snowman or a snow fort, take them ice skating and sledding, or even start a snowball fight. You’ll have so much fun, you won’t realize how many calories you’re burning.

5. Rediscover Winter’s Beauty

Take your children on a nature walk to explore the world in winter. Examine animal footprints in the snow. Point out the different plants that grow in the winter. Count the icicles lining the rooftops. You can even make a bird and squirrel feeder and refill it regularly so you can enjoy watching the animals as they feast!

6. Crank up your indoor routine

If you can’t muster up the courage to face the winter chill, don’t give up. Give your indoor workout some variety to keep you motivated until spring. Rent or purchase workout DVDs, join a gym or hire a personal trainer, swim laps at the local pool, or hit the mall before the stores open for a warm, dry place to power walk.

Winter’s playground offers many ways to get out and stay active. Keeping your fitness goals in winter gives you more than the benefit of a healthy heart. You’ll cope better with holiday stress, banish winter blues, avoid the weight loss panic before swimsuit season, and have a greater sense of accomplishment for keeping your goals. So what are you waiting for? Grab your coat and just get started!

Caring for your Health and Well Being,


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