Margarita Cruz-amaro

Archive for July, 2009|Monthly archive page

Men and a Home Candle Business?

In Uncategorized on July 11, 2009 at 9:42 pm

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Men and Candles? Are you serious?

You might be thinking that candles are just a “woman’s business.” Honestly, I sort of thought the same thing when I started exploring our home candle business.

I thought a business that involved candles must mean hosting home parties, asking friends to host parties, and so on. Then I discovered all of the many ways to build our candle business and found out parties are just one of the many great options, for those that want to do them.

While women immediately seem to relate to this business because they love candles, I discovered it’s the fun and the simplicity that “everybody loves candles”.

Well, 9 out of 10 people loving candles is pretty much everyone to me!

What usually first attracts men, is the money. There is a lot of money to be made in this candle business, because yes, practically everybody does love candles. And because of this, men have proven to be very successful at this because they have the advantage of relating to both men and women, about candles and money.

Here’s what attracts men, (and women!) –

The candle industry is BIG business – about $3 BILLION annually in sales

Almost everyone we know has candles in their homes

Industry statistics say to get out in front of a trend; and clean burning, alternative wax candles are the latest trend in a well established industry

The biggest consumer market is women, age 44 and younger, with families

Candles are low cost, highly consumable and people associate burning them with pleasure. People will often buy what they want and what makes them feel good, before they buy what they need

Candles are purchased at about the same rate across all income levels, among all ethnic groups, and at all educational levels

Our candles are consistently rated as the best performing candles in the industry.

If, over the next 5 years we capture only 10% of that THREE BILLION dollar market we will be a $300 MILLION dollar company!

Based on those numbers, is the reason so many MEN are joining our company to cash in on this business opportunity! Industry Sources are Saying “The NEXT boom in candles will be in “Natural Wax” Candles!”

The demographics are in our favor. This information places our business in front of the bubble. We are on the ground floor of this business, like Microsoft and Apple were in the early 1980’s.

As the target candle buying market age, they will most likely continue to buy candles, as will their children. This creates an entirely new market, the babies of the “baby boom” generation.

In a world where the focus is on reducing stress, creating a healthier environment, a cleaner, nurturing home, candles made from clean burning, natural vegetable wax are a perfect fit.

Let’s Look at Recent Data on the Candle Industry

The candle industry is growing at an estimated 10% annually.

“Have you ever burned a natural wax candle?” That simple question is being repeated all over the country and is sparking interest in candle buyers everywhere.

As gourmet alternative wax candles develop recognition, the potential for this product to eventually convert a huge percentage of the current candle buying consumer gets bigger and better every day.

What if, in the next 5 years only 10% of those buyers “switched” to Gourmet candles?

The potential is huge because “word of mouth” marketing creates market demand much faster than other forms of distribution!

Imagine the income potential that that kind of growth will generate.

Do you want to be part of that growth, earning your share of the profits that are to be made?

Are you ready to get started with this GREAT opportunity?

I look forward to helping you find success in your Mia Bella Gourmet Candle business!

Margarita I Cruz-Amaro

630-844-9716 / 630-965-9716