Margarita Cruz-amaro

Archive for October, 2009|Monthly archive page


In Uncategorized on October 18, 2009 at 7:19 pm

APRIL 2011
I wanted to let you know about this month’s Candle of the Month fragrance. Check it out below!If you would like to order, please contact me by replying back to this message or order directly from my Web site:

Fragrance: Lilac
Stock Number: JR13800
Description: Fresh and light, the smell of Spring is in the air!

If you would like to read more news about what is going on with Scent-Sations, Inc. & Mia Bella’s Gourmet Products, check out the monthly company newsletters:

Are you interested in our products? Go here to see a full line of all the products we have to offer:

Are you interested in becoming a Candle of the Month member? Go here to read more information about the great Scent-Sations, Inc. business opportunity:

To view our online catalog go here:

To get FREE SAMPLES each and every month and your Catalog
Go here:


Christmas and the holiday gift-giving season is upon us!
You’ll be seeing family and friends over this holiday, and what better time to give a gift that keeps on giving for many weeks after the holiday than with an incredibly realistic smelling Mia Bella’s Gourmet Candle!
With so many great products, it’s the perfect gift for that special someone!

Below is information about this month’s Candle of the Month fragrance. Check it out below!
If you would like to order, please contact me by replying back to this message or order directly from my Web site:  







Fragrance: Pralines & Cream
Stock Number: JR24800
Description: A delectable blend of candied pecans, sweet caramelized sugar and creamy vanilla ice cream is a decadent indulgence without the guilt.

Scent-Sations Business Overview with company leaders December 1st –

http://www.byoaudio .com/play/ WsWnqjYV   (24 min)

 November 17th with some of our candle guy business owners including our CEO Bobby  Scocozzo-

http://www.byoaudio .com/play/ WD9VlRjV  (34 min)




It’s a spooky time of year, with Halloween around the corner!
Time for finding that perfect costume and getting ready for costume parties and trick-or-treaters!

I wanted to let you know about this month’s Candle of the Month fragrance. Check it out below!
If you would like to order, please contact me by replying back to this message or order directly from my Web site:



If you would like to read more news about what is going on with Scent-Sations, Inc. & Mia Bella’s Gourmet Products, check out the monthly company newsletters:

Are you interested in our products? Go here to see a full line of all the products we have to offer:

Are you interested in becoming a Candle of the Month member? Go here to read more information about the great Scent-Sations, Inc. business opportunity:

When the student is ready the teacher appears…

In Uncategorized on October 13, 2009 at 4:08 pm


Would you like to have more joy and less stress in your life? Do you want to discover the secrets to reaching your full potential? Would you like to make a positive difference in the short time you’re here on this earth?

Life coach, Betty Mahalik, tells you how in her beautiful book, Living a Five Star Life. She challenges all of us “to live a great life by discovering the life we have right now, instead of trying to invent a whole new life.” This little book has more wisdom, common sense and inspiration than any I’ve read in a long time!

Today, I’d like to share her chapter titled: My Life Would be Perfect If…”


Excerpt from: Living a Five Star Life,
by Betty Mahalik

In this day and age, we are surrounded by messages that virtually scream, “Your life would be perfect if…” My life would be perfect if I had a different job, a different house, car, nose, spouse, bank account (fill in the blank). Or my life would be perfect if I could be like some celebrity whose life appears so well-ordered and perfect-o. This week I encourage you to stop playing “my life would be perfect if,” and start playing “my perfect life.” What’s the difference? Three things: being in the present, an attitude of gratitude, taking action with what’s available now.

When we’re caught up in the “my life would be perfect if” trap, we’ve lost touch with the present. And the moment we detach from the present, we can no longer practice gratitude. Think about it: it’s difficult to be grateful for what you don’t have…and what you don’t have is always somewhere out in future-ville.

Look around you right now. Think of 10 things you’re grateful for. Do you have a roof over your head and food to eat? I’m guessing the answer is yes. Do you have at least a few good friends or close relationships? Then appreciate them too, right now. Keep going, and practice being in the present and being grateful for what is here and now at least a couple times a day.

You’re also probably sitting there thinking “yes but.” Yes, but I want more money, a better relationship, more time to travel, to be thinner, happier or whatever. It’s one of the great mysteries I’ll never figure out. The minute you stop focusing on what you lack, start focusing on what you’ve already got, and add the “magic” ingredient of action, you actually begin to attract more of what you want. It’s an amazing formula for really living your perfect life!

Let’s say you want to lose weight or get in better shape, but you don’t have an hour a day to spend exercising at the gym. Therefore, you’ve pretty well resigned yourself to not losing weight or getting in shape. What if you had five minutes though…just about everyone can find five minutes to exercise, stretch, walk around the block or walk the dog. Would you be willing to be grateful for five minutes and make the best possible use of it? Therein lies the beginning of your perfect life!

A simple formula may help you remember how to apply this principle:

The present
+ an attitude of gratitude
+ positive action
= my perfect life.
Try it for a day.

Each time you start dreaming about how perfect your life would be if…come back to this moment, give thanks for what is, and do one thing to perfect what you have and who you are right now. There’s a saying that “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” If you’re ready to start perfecting your life, your teachers are all around you.

What are you waiting for?